Get rid of comedonal acne once and for all!

Comedonal acne usually occurs in teenagers. The symptoms of this type of acne are small black spots on the forehead, chin, nose, cheeks, chest and back. Conditioning and healing such lesions require a lot of patience and self-discipline. If you want to look beautiful and be healthy, find out what proper complexion care looks like.

Comedonal acne – what is it?

Excessive sebum production, hormonal imbalance, improper skin care, fast keratinization of the epidermis. These are the most common causes of comedonal acne. How are these small black spots created? Dead skin cells, dust, sweat and sebum settle in the skin pores, therefore hair follicles and sebaceous glands become clogged. As a consequence, comedones occur or in some cases – serious skin inflammation.

How can you take care of your skin at home?

Cleansing is the most important stage in comedonal acne skin care. Every three days do an exfoliating scrub which removes dead skin cells, smooths dry skin and eliminates excessive sebum and impurities. Use toners designed for oily and acne-affected skin type. Such products offer antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Make sure that your cosmetics have pH similar to pH of your complexion. Right after exfoliating the epidermis, use a moisturising or purifying facial mask. At last, apply a light moisturiser. Do a steam treatment once a week. Bend over a bowl filled with warm water and cover your head with a towel. After more or less 10 minutes, skin pores will open. Gently remove their contents by pressing the edges of comedones with a tissue. Then, apply a soothing mask and delicate cream.

How is comedonal acne treated?

Cosmetic treatments will be helpful. Try out microdermabrasion, algae mask or light treatment. If you cannot deal with the lesions, go to the dermatologist’s who will choose suitable preparations which remove pimples and comedones. Ointments or creams which contain zinc, group B vitamins, azelaic acid, will surely deal with these imperfections. The dermatologist may also prescribe medicine with tretinoins or benzoyl peroxide which will make your skin healthy and beautiful.

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