Visible pores? Try Glamglow Supermud Clearing Treatment

Many women believe that extremely visible pores make the face skin ugly. They seek remedies for these imperfections. Sadly, most women will be worried because of the fact that skin pores cannot be eliminated. Check what these little holes are and what purpose they serve. Try Glamglow Supermud Clearing Treatment which smooths the surface of the complexion.

Supermud Clearing Treatment is designed for oily and combination skin, regardless of age and gender. According to many people, it is the best cosmetic for cleansing the complexion and making pores less visible. It removes sebum, dead skin cells and other impurities which settled on the skin during the day. It smooths the complexion, evens the skin colouration, minimizes the pores and deeply moisturises. It contains active and natural ingredients, therefore it conditions complexion, prevents the occurance of new imperfections and keeps the skin in good condition. Supermud Clearing Treatment contains six acids AHA and BHA, carbon which absorbs toxins settled in the epidermis and substances responsible for removing bacteria and sebum from the skin pores.

How to apply Supermud Clearing Treatment?

Cleanse the face skin thoroughly and apply the cosmetic. Leave the mask for more or less 20 minutes: the product will have time to “draw out” all imperfections. Then, wash your face with cool water to close the pores of the skin. Avoid area of the eyes during the application; remember about the sunscreen. Be careful: Supermud Clearing Treatment isn’t recommended for sensitive complexion. Glamglow cosmetic can be applied to the entire face, neck and neckline as well as topically or to the chosen areas of the skin.

Do you know that skin pores cannot be removed?

Although the Internet is abounding in numerous ways of eliminating the pores, it is physically impossible. Skin pores are responsible for the exchange of gases and water; thanks to them the skin breathes. They occur on almost entire skin and are most visible on cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. The pores cannot be removed but they can be less visible. How is it done? Use cosmetics with acids, full coverage foundations and coarse-grained scrubs. Don’t forget to try out Glamglow Supermud Clearing Treatment.

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